Prayer Prompt
Prayer for the World
During this time in our nation, it can be easy to focus only on what is happening within our borders. It is important to be praying for our own nation, yet, we must remember God desires his word to be carried throughout all the nations. Do you often forget to be praying for the nations? Do you thank God that we live in a free country with the ability to openly worship and pray to God? What are some things you take for granted that other countries do not have the ability to do?
Are there some things you can add into your everyday life that will help you remember to be praying for our world? If you need help a few ideas are: download the Unreached of the Day app which gives you a daily reminder to pray for a specific people group, write specific prayer request on a sticky note and post it where you see it every day, and try to memorize one of these verses Psalm 86:9, Daniel 7:14, Mark 13:10, and Luke 24:46-47.
Cru at Virginia Tech has a unique opportunity to have two partner locations overseas; those being North Africa and East Asia. Below are specific prayer requests for the missionaries that are currently serving in these regions. Pray over these with us:
North Africa/ Sam’s Place
● Pray against the spiritual forces active in the Middle East, including the spiritually lifeless religious traditions found among both Muslims and nominal Christians.
● Pray that Christians will be bold in their witness and courageously proclaim the gospel.
● Pray that Muslim-background believers will be steadfast in their faith and will not be afraid to stand for Christ.
● Pray for God to continue to send dreams and visions to people in this region, as has been happening for decades now.
● Pray for the protection and encouragement of VT alumni and Cru staff who we partner with in Sam’s Place.
● Pray that COVID-19 border restrictions will be lifted so their ministry would be able to be completed in their specific region.
East Asia
● Pray for God’s Spirit to move among the people of East Asia to confront the spiritual darkness that has blinded their hearts for centuries.
● Pray for the translation and distribution of the Scriptures in their own languages and dialects.
● Pray that God’s people will remain faithful and that their example will serve as a powerful witness to their faith through persecution.
● Pray for native missionaries to engage the remaining unreached groups in their regions to bring the gospel to the unreached and the unengaged.
● Pray for the Cru partnerships in East Asia and future trips with VT students.
As you learn to consider the nations in your prayer life, reflect on these verses and this prayer from the Joshua Project:
Psalm 86:9 “All the nations you have made shall come and worship before you, O, Lord, and shall glorify your name.”
Daniel 7:14 “And to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him; his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom one that shall not be destroyed.”
Mark 13:10 “ And the gospel must first be proclaimed to all nations.”
Luke 24:46-47 “and said to them, “Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that repentance for[a] the forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.”
A prayer over the nations (from the Joshua Project) “Lord God Almighty, you gave this promise to your Son, and through him to your church— ‘Ask of me and I will give the nations to you as an inheritance.’ Sovereign Lord, in response to this promise, and with faith in your ability to answer, we ask for the nations. We ask that the unreached people groups of the earth will hear the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. We ask for nations to be brought to the light of truth, to be saved by grace.”
Have a blessed week,
Prayer Team